We are committed to run a responsible supply chain

At mikk-line, we conduct an ethical business with respect for human rights and decent labour standards. Based on a clear Code of Conduct, we have built close relationships with our suppliers to continuously safeguard and improve the welfare of everyone involved in our supply chain.
Our Supply Chain
It is important for us to have traceability on who is involved in the production of our products and where they are made. Mapping our suppliers at alle stages of the supply chain is a heavy, ongoing work that is necessary for us to ensure a responsible and decent supply chain.
We have the most influence on our cut and sew suppliers, which we have built strong relationships with. They have all committed to our Code of Conduct, which specifies the principles and behaviour that we expect from them, to ensure responsible practices. Through dialogue, self-assessments, and third-party audits, we ensure adherence to our requirements.
All our suppliers have also signed and committed to our policies on:
- Anti-corruption
- Anti-slavery
- Chemical restrictions
- Child labour
Third-party audits by amfori BSCI
As a member of amfori BSCI (Business Social Compliance Initiative), independent experts help us to examine the working conditions and improve the social performance in our supply chain. BSCI has a line of auditing and reporting standards as well as a Code of Conduct, which is based on international guidelines and 11 principles.
The 11 principles of the BSCI Code of Conduct:
1. The Right of Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining
2. Fair remuneration
3. Occupational Health and Safety
4. Special Protection for young workers
5. No bonded labour
6. Ethical business behaviour
7. No discrimination
8. Decent working hours
9. No child labour
10. No precarious employment
11. Protection of the environment